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Vintage is a term used for anything over 20years old and most of our pieces are much older than that! Therefore, extra care should be taken while wearing and storing you vintage jewellery as age will make it more delicate.


- Store your pieces individually so that they don't rub together, scratch or tangle.

- Keep jewellery in a dark, cool and dry place. Sterling silver in particular will naturally oxidise over time when exposed to air, and eventually tarnish, and the best prevention for this is to store it in a sealed bag or airtight box when not being worn. We recommend occasional cleaning of your silver jewellery to maintain shine and keep oxidation at bay.

- Keep jewellery out of direct sunlight as prolonged exposure can cause gemstones to fade and lose their colour.

- Keep creams and sprays away as jewellery is susceptible to chemicals in perfume, hairspray, make-up, nail polish remover, body oils, sunscreen and deodorant.

- Keep chains fastened at the clasp to avoid tangling.

- Don't sleep in your jewellery, take it off and store each night.


Occasionally clean your jewellery carefully with a soft, non-abrasive and lint-free cloth. If necessary, you can use a mild washing up liquid with warm water and a soft toothbrush, then rinse with clean water and pat dry with a soft cloth.

Avoid using ‘dip’ polish or abrasive jewellery cleaners as these contain harsh chemicals and can destroy your jewellery over time.


It's a good practice to thoroughly clean pierced earrings before wearing them, especially if they are pre-loved or vintage pieces. Here's how you can clean pierced earrings:

Soap and Water Method:

Fill a small bowl with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap.

Gently agitate the water to create some suds.

Dip the earrings into the soapy water and use a soft brush, like an old toothbrush, to scrub away any dirt, oils, or debris.

Rinse the earrings under clean running water to remove any soap residue.

Pat them dry with a clean, soft cloth.

Rubbing Alcohol Method:

Dampen a soft cloth or cotton ball with rubbing alcohol.

Gently wipe the earrings to disinfect and remove any contaminants.

Allow them to air dry or use a clean cloth to dry them gently.

Jewellery Cleaning Solution:

If you have a specific jewellery cleaning solution, follow the instructions on the product for cleaning earrings.

Ultrasonic Cleaner:

If you have an ultrasonic jewellery cleaner, you can use it to clean your earrings, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Steam Cleaning:

If your earrings are made of materials that can withstand steam cleaning, you may consider this method.

Remember to be gentle during the cleaning process to avoid damaging the earrings, especially if they have delicate or intricate details. 

Cleaning your earrings not only enhances their appearance but also helps maintain hygiene and prevent any potential skin irritation or infection that could result from wearing unclean jewellery


Don't swim or shower while wearing your jewellery and remove rings when washing hands. Chlorine, salt water and fresh water can damage precious metals and gemstones by dulling or eroding them. Gold and silver plated pieces are particularly susceptible to damage from chlorine, which can permanently damage or discolour them. Soapy water when bathing and showering can also leave a thin film, which makes the metal seem dull.

Some stones can also be quite porous and shouldn’t be left in water for too long. Liquids and oils can seep into the gems through the tiny cracks between the crystals, causing permanent discolouration and damage. ​

The chemical makeup of lotions, sprays, and perfumes can progressively alter the lustre of metals, gemstones and pearls so apply these before putting on your jewellery to minimise damage.

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